1. if you are not satisfied with our products, you can return the goods to us within 30 days without giving any reason. We will refund you the full purchase price and the shipping costs incurred for the outbound shipment, minus any discounts granted.
2. the refund will be made in the same way as the payment, or, if this is not possible, by bank transfer to a bank account designated by you. In the latter case, you will be informed by us in due time and asked to provide the bank details. The refund will be made within 14 days from the date of receipt of the goods by the seller.
3. the costs for the return shipment are to be borne by you.
4. this offer is valid for all products and for both commercial and private buyers.
5. the period begins with receipt of the goods. For the timeliness of the return, the receipt of the goods by the seller is decisive.